THE DECEPTIVE MIND CHAPTER 11 This is purely a work of fiction and is not intended for any one dead or alive. Although it has been written in autobiographical style this is no way related to my experiences or a memoir. Since the content is suited for adult, readers discretion is advised I knew it… Continue reading THE DECEPTIVE MIND – CHAPTER 11

Recruitment or Career Consulting ?

Staffing industry is one of the fastest growing industry in ITES world. Despite of recession in US and economic slowdown in some parts of the growing economies the Staffing industry still managed to weather the storm. Some of the major Staffing firms posted some brilliant performance on the cards and heading towards exploding numbers in… Continue reading Recruitment or Career Consulting ?

Watch “Varanasi – The Holy Land of every Hindu” on YouTube

Varanasi, Ganga, Ganges, Ghats

Varanasi – The Holy Land of every Hindu: These pictures were taken during our visit to the holy land for Hindus called Varanasi or Kasi. Varanasi is one of the very oldest cities known to mankind. On the banks of the holy river ganga it the Ganges this city is filled with history, religion,… Continue reading Watch “Varanasi – The Holy Land of every Hindu” on YouTube

Forever Yours

Forever Yours A dim light was glowing on his table, throwing light just on the papers that he is writing. Chris stretched on his chair holding his cigarette. It is only man who has the power to hold thousand degrees of flame on the tips of his fingers, he thought. Being pensive he thought when… Continue reading Forever Yours